DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My dad has CPOD and is supposed to see his doctor at least every two to three months. The last time he was in the office was late February. He has had a couple of virtual visits, which I helped him set-up and run, but he really needs to be seen in person to monitor his condition and meds.
The pulmonologist is reopened, but I still can’t get Dad to make a live appointment. I have spoken to the office and they assured me that they are taking all precautions, including limiting office visits to only a few patients a day, carefully cleaning examining rooms between patients, and not allowing anyone to be in the waiting room.
These all seem like reasonable measures to me, but Dad won’t budge. What else can I do to get him to see his doctor in person? --- DAD NEEDS HIS DOC
DEAR DAD NEEDS HIS DOC: Since he won’t take your word for it, maybe you could contact the doctor’s office again and see if either someone from scheduling, or better yet, the doctor him/herself will reach out directly to your dad to let him know they’re taking every reasonable precaution to protect all their patients and staff. They may also be more successful at convincing him that while virtual consultations can be useful, eyes-on visits are still critical.