Whistleblower Has Neighbor Worried
DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: We have a grumpy new neighbor in our block of townhouses who loves to pretend he’s the man in charge. He recently contacted the police about a group of kids riding their bikes in the cul-de-sac near his house, which he claimed was in violation of the county’s stay-at-home order.
Turns out the kids were doing nothing wrong. They were staying on their bikes (all wore helmets), and kept in the street, at proper distances. It’s the same group of kids who usually use the same spot on weekends and when the weather is good enough to ride bikes and skateboards, and with the schools closed for the year, they are around a lot more than usual. We found out about the cops coming to investigate because our daughter was one of the kids.
If he picked on the kids, a few of the other neighbors and I are worried he’s going to report on anything and everything that happens in our neighborhood involving even the smallest groups of people, even now that the restrictions are beginning to lift and we’re allowed more freedom, so long as everyone abides by all the current pandemic regulations.
So far, everyone on the block has done pretty well at keeping in “distant touch”, and I know we should have nothing to fear, but this man is making everyone feel like they’re criminals.
I have no fear of him, and want to say something directly to him about minding his own business, but my husband says it will just make things worse. Do you agree? --- CRANK’S NEIGHBOR
DEAR CRANK’S NEIGHBOR: I tend to agree with your husband. So long as the kids and adults in the neighborhood do indeed comply with your state and local regulations and restrictions, all your self-appointed neighborhood watchman is likely to achieve is to make himself as big a nuisance to the local authorities as he already is with you.
Besides, your confronting him individually could lead to his turning his attention more closely on you and your family.