DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: We have a second baby on the way and the townhouse we’ve lived in for the past six years is getting smaller by the day. The real estate market is healthy by us, and because of that, a lot of younger people like us are looking to move up to a larger home, and the competition for selling is rough with so many starter homes on the market.
I want to use some of our savings to redo a few things, not anything big, but that would help sell our place, but my husband wants to keep everything for a down payment. He just doesn’t get that we could be more competitive if we brought at least the kitchen out of the 90s and into the 21st century.
I’m running out of things to say to him, and he just won’t listen. What can I do to persuade him that sometimes you have to spend a little to make a lot? --- MY HUSBAND WON’T LISTEN
DEAR MY HUSBAND WON’T LISTEN: I guess your husband isn’t an HGTV fan, or you’re too much of one.
Before you spend a lot of money on your current home, talk to a qualified realtor familiar with your immediate area. It’s possible that the guidance the realtor offers may surprise both you and your husband. At least you’ll have more information that will hopefully leave you better equipped to decide how best to use your savings.