CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Natalie Portman, 30; Josh Hamilton, 42; Johnny Depp, 48; Michael J. Fox, 50
Birthday Baby: You are a perfectionist. You are inquisitive and relish new experiences.
Happy Birthday: Spreading your ideas around via networking, socializing or through demonstration and participation will help you advance. Take charge, be aggressive and let everyone know you mean business. Focusing on ways to effectively help others will initiate new friendships, opportunities and propositions. Your numbers are 6, 13, 21, 23, 27, 33, 47
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Do what needs doing, regardless of what others want you to do. A change of plans may cause you anxiety, but if you go with the flow, you will find everything works out in the end. Don't let emotions cloud your vision. 3 stars
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Focus on personal change that can update your image and your outlook, but don't go overboard with regard to expense. Be wise and shop around. Love is in the stars, but not everyone will be honest with you. 5 stars
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Not everyone will share your point of view. Secrecy will be in your best interest. The less explaining you have to do, the better. Don't question what others do, when listening and showing support is what's required. 2 stars
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Make the necessary changes needed at home to smooth things over. Letting others help you will enhance your relationships and lead to suggestions you may be able to implement into your plans. You don't have to overspend, overdo or overindulge to brighten your day. 4 stars
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Size up your situation before you engage in an emotional dispute. Space and time will heal any wounds you've endured and help you revisit your goals and your financial position. Be smart when dealing with matters that can affect your life professionally, personally and financially. 3 stars
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You won't sit idle for long and will find great comfort in stepping up and taking care of business. Accept responsibility beforehand for the outcome of your plans. Travel and talks will help your cause. 3 stars
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You've got the ability to talk anyone in or out of anything. Travel plans or involvement in interest groups will allow you to interact with people from different backgrounds. Don't consider spending money on products that promise the impossible. 3 stars
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You can stabilize your financial position by rearranging your assets and tightening your budget. Finalizing something you've been working on a long time by making alterations that never occurred to you in the past will result in higher revenue. 4 stars
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You'll know exactly how to get your way but, if you use emotional blackmail, you may end up giving up what you gain in order to keep the peace. Changes at home will give you greater freedom to follow the path that suits you best. Adventure is in front of you; let go of the past. 4 stars
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll be impulsive when it comes to love and spending money. Curb your enthusiasm before you have to do something you don't want to. Choose your battles and don't let your emotions lead you in an irreversible direction. 2 stars
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Stick to what you know and the people with whom you are most comfortable. Changes to your living arrangements will make you feel more at ease and better situated to pursue your interests. Don't let a past friendship interfere with your life now. 3 stars
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You'll be caught in the middle of an awkward situation. If you meddle, prepare to face complaints and, if you don't, you will have to watch someone head in a direction you don't like. Focus on work and money. 3 stars