Percentage more likely that divorced people have nothing in their retirement accounts compared to married people, according to a MagnifyMoney study from LendingTree: 23
Number of times less that divorced people have in their retirement accounts ($15,083) compared to married people ($107,011): 7
Source: LendingTree.
Percentage of Americans who say their daily life has been interrupted by a lack of sleep in the past month, according to ValuePenguin: 76
Of that group, percentage who say a lack of sleep led to difficulty completing work: 46
Percentage who have trouble concentrating: 49
Percentage who say their lack of sleep caused irritability with loved ones: 39
Among Americans with a child aged 0 to 17 who report feeling judged as parents, either very often (15%), fairly often (24%) or sometimes (53%), according to a global survey by Ipsos: 92
Ranks of how they manage their children's behavior (58%) and their children's behavior (50%) on the list of the top reasons given by American parents for why people are judging them: 1, 2
Ranks of things their children can or cannot do (39%), being too strict (35%) and how much time their children spend on screens and using technology (29%) on the list: 3, 4, 5
Source: Ipsos Public Affairs.
Percentage of U.S. adults who agree (18% strongly agree, and 29% somewhat agree) that the stock market is rigged against individual investors, according to a report from 48
Among those invested in the market (including those invested through retirement plans), percentage who agree it is rigged against individual investors: 56
Rank of "The American Dream" on the list of reasons why millennials want to buy a home, according to a new survey: 1
Percentage of first-time would-be buyers who are held back by not having enough money for down payment: 44
Percentage of millennials (and 45% of Gen Z) who say a desire to be a homeowner is the main reason they are buying a home: 59
Number of times per week that most people in the U.S. enjoy chocolate and candy, about 40 calories per day and about one teaspoon of added sugar per day, according to the National Confectioners Association's seasonal confectionery sales: 2 to 3
Source: National Confectioners Association.
Percentage of high school students and parents who are concerned that the student won't have an ideal college experience, according to a survey by ArtsBridge: 62
Looking back at the 2020-2021 academic year, despite a "nontraditional" college experience, percentage of college freshmen who say they would do it over again: 82
Ranks of "lack of social life/difficulty meeting people" (71%) and "struggling with the negative effects of the pandemic on their mental health" (51%) on the list of COVID-19-added college student life challenges, according to college freshmen who are finishing out their first collegiate year: 1, 2
Source: ArtsBridge.
Average amount that consumers spent this Easter, the highest figure on record, according to results of the annual survey released today by the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights and Analytics: $179.70
Amount the 79% of Americans who celebrate the holiday will have spent collectively: $21.6 billion
Source: NRF.
Percentage of people who believe receiving a COVID-19 vaccine will make them feel safe enough to travel again, according to a survey by Allianz Partners: 67
To feel safe again, percentage of respondents who would require the wearing of face masks on airplanes and in airports: 66
Source: Allianz Global Assistance USA.
Percentage of gold production accounted for by only three countries (China, Australia, Russia), according to 31
Ranks of Australia, Russia, the United States, South Africa and Peru on the list of countries with the largest remaining unmined gold reserves: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Ranks of Indonesia, Brazil and Canada: 6, 7, 8
Idle Thought
"There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money, either." -- Robert Graves, poet and novelist