Percentage of millennials aged 25 to 34 who said that $25,000 or more of debt is a relationship deal-breaker, according to a survey by CentSai: 63
Percentage of respondents who said that it would be a deal-breaker if their partner had the same amount of debt as them -- regardless of the amount: 25
Percentage of respondents who said that debt has caused a decrease in sexual attraction between them and their partner: 14
Percentage who said that debt is important or very important when considering someone as a life partner: 65
Source: CentSai.
Rank of Oprah Winfrey as the most trusted, the best role model and the most liked by respondents from among several well-known entrepreneurs, including Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeffrey Bezos and Richard Branson, according to research undertaken by Fit Small Business: 1
Rank of Oprah Winfrey as the most disliked: 1
Source: Fit Small Business.
Rank of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the list of the most followed world leaders on Facebook with 40 million followers on his personal page, according to the 2017 World Leaders on Facebook study by strategic communications and global public relations firm Burson-Marsteller: 1
Rank of U.S. President Donald J. Trump with 20 million followers on his personal page: 2
Ranks of PMO India -- the official page of India's highest office (13 million followers), Queen Rania of Jordan (10 million) and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (8 million): 3, 4, 5
Source: Burson-Marsteller.
Percentage of people aged 21 to 65 who say they regret rushing their career choices, with many saying they picked a university course at random because they simply didn't know what they wanted to do and felt pushed to make a decision because they were "running out of time," according to a survey by Career Hunter: 90
Source: Career Hunter.
Percentage of Americans who say the current political climate is a very or somewhat significant source of stress, according to an American Psychological Association report: 57
Percentage of people who reported at least one health symptom because of stress (up from 71 percent in August 2016) over five months: 80
Percentage of Americans who have reported specific symptoms such as headaches, feeling overwhelmed, feeling nervous or anxious, or feeling depressed or sad: 33
Source: American Psychological Association.
Ranks of California, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and the District of Columbia on the list of states where immigrants have the biggest economic impact, according to research by WalletHub: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Percentage of the workforce in California that is foreign-born: 34.12
Percentage of STEM workers in New Jersey who are foreign born: 41
Percentage of foreign-born adults aged 25 and older in the District of Columbia with a bachelor's degree or higher: 51.5
Source: WalletHub.
Percentage of workers who believe having a vacant senior manager role has an adverse impact on the team's efficiency, according to research from Robert Half: 59
Percentage of those in leadership who say the same: 70
Ranks of decreased employee morale or motivation, increased workloads, fear about job security or the relationship with a new boss, and internal competition for the new position on the list of reasons given by employees why a senior manager's departure from the organization impedes their productivity while the role remains open: 1, 2, 3, 4
Source: Robert Half Management Resources.
Year that Canada became self-governing, according to the U.S. Census Bureau: 1867
In 2015, estimated value of goods passed one way or the other across the effectively undefended border: $575 billion
Of America's population of around 322 million, number that are foreign-born: 43 million
Estimated number who are from Canada: 806,000
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
Percentage of chief procurement officers surveyed in North America who said reducing costs is the top priority, according to findings of the Deloitte Global Chief Procurement Officer Survey 2017: 84
Percentage who say that talent is the single greatest factor in driving procurement performance: 87
Source: Deloitte.
Estimated number of U.S. credit card holders who haven't changed their preferred credit card in at least a decade, according to a report: 32 million
Number who have never switched: 21 million
Idle Thought
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." -- Edith Wharton, novelist
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at