Percentage by which India's economy will grow this year, surpassing China for the first time in 16 years, according to the IMF: 7.5
Number of habitations in India not connected to any major roadway, requiring the completion of 62,000 miles of road to connect them: 178,000
Source: Nielsen Insights.
Percentage of small-business owners who have used a credit card to fund their business, according to Cardhub: 37
Estimated amount the Credit Card Act of 2009 has saved consumers (it excluded small businesses) in late fees and over-limit fees, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: $3.5 billion
Source: CardHub.
Percentage of Americans who say hybrid and electric cars are here to stay and will become more affordable and more people will drive them, according to 59
Percentage who say they will always be for trendy drivers: 8
Percentage who think they are a fad: 6
Source: mWEBB Communications.
Percentage of the world's population accounted for by the United States, according to Generation Opportunity: 5
Percentage of the world's prison population accounted for by the U.S.: 25
Percentage of the American population accounted for by African-Americans: 13
Percentage of the U.S. prison population accounted for by African-Americans: 40
Source: Generation Opportunity.
Number of bachelor's degrees expected to be conferred this year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics: 1.8 million
Number of associate degrees: 1 million
Ranks of accounting services, software publishing, and investment banking and securities dealing as the three highest-growth areas, according to IBISWorld: 1, 2, 3
Source: IBISWorld.
Percentage of American dog owners who say their pet has had a positive impact on their physical health, according to a survey by Packaged Facts: 74
Percentage who said their dog had a positive influence on their mental health: 77
Source: Packaged Facts.
Number of convenience stores in the U.S., according to the National Association of Convenience Stores: 152,794
Number of those that are run by single-store operators: 96,318
Percentage increase in year-over-year convenience store growth accounted for by single-store operators: 83.5
Source: National Association of Convenience Stores.
Number of countries to which a U.S. passport entitles a U.S. citizen to travel, according to GoEuro: 174
Number of countries to which a person holding a passport from Afghanistan can travel: 28
Number of countries a person from Iraq can visit: 31
Source: GoEuro.
Percentage of 16- to 18-year-olds who are working, according to the Institute of Family Studies: 30
Average annual income for these workers: $9,500
Percentage of households below the federal poverty line that moved above the poverty line as a result of income from children who dropped out of school: 42
Source: Institute of Family Studies.
Percentage of Americans who have a will or living trust document, according to a survey: 56
Percentage of adult children who don't know where their parents store their estate documents: 52
Idle Thought
"He that respects himself is safe from others; he wears a coat of mail that none can pierce." -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at