Percentage of Americans who feel vacation-deprived, yet they fail to take all of their available paid time off, according to a survey conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of Purchasing Power: 59
Percentage of full-time employees who receive any paid time off who didn't take a vacation getaway last year in which they truly went away: 28
Percentage of those employees who said it was because they couldn't afford to do so: 52
Source: Purchasing Power LLC.
Percentage of employees who said they have worked for a micromanager (one who peers over employees' shoulders, stifling their independence and meddling in the minutiae of their everyday work), according to a survey developed by Accountemps: 59
Of those who felt they'd been micromanaged, percentage who said it decreased their morale: 68
Percentage who said it hurt their productivity: 55
Source: Accountemps.
Ranks of mustard, onions, chili, slaw and ketchup on the list of the most favored toppings for hot dogs, according to a study by JJ's Red Hots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Source: JJ's Red Hots.
For week-long trips, average amount travelers can save per airline ticket if they travel on Tuesdays instead of Sundays, according to a survey by CheapAir: $77
Average amount travelers can save by traveling in August vs. July: $100
Source: CheapAir.
Ranks of Bill Gates (net worth $80.2 billion), Warren Buffet ($64.2 billion), Larry Ellison ($48.2 billion), Michael Bloomberg ($33.7 billion) and Sheldon Adelson ($32.8 billion) on the list of the top five richest self-made Americans: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Source: Wealth-X.
Ranks of Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama on the list of presidents who Americans would most like to have help with the barbecuing, according to a Harris poll: 1, 2, 3
Ranks of George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama (selected from the last six presidents) as those most likely to end up falling in the swimming pool with their clothes on: 1, 2, 3
Source: Harris Interactive.
Amount the average working-age U.S. household has saved for retirement, according to the most recent survey of consumer finances sponsored by the Federal Reserve: $3,000
Average amount that households aged 55 to 64 have saved (figures include both those that do and do not have retirement accounts): $12,000.
Average amount in households aged 55 to 64 who do have retirement accounts: $100,000.
Source: Jackson, Grant Investment Advisers Inc.
In 1979, number of paid work hours per year for the typical woman, according to research by the Center for Economic and Policy Research: 925
By 2012, number of hours of paid work per year done by the typical woman: 1,664
Percentage of unpaid child-care (and elder-care) work that is done by women: 66
Source: CEPR.
Percentage of Americans who say they're "confident" that they'll take a vacation in 2014 -- defined as leisure travel of at least a week at least 100 miles from home, according to an Ipsos Public Affairs poll conducted on behalf of Allianz Global Assistance: 52
Percentage who believe it is important that they take an annual vacation: 56
Source: Ipsos Public Affairs.
Percentage of teens who use the Internet, according to The Pew Internet & American Life Project: 93
Percentage of online teens ages 12 to 17 who have participated in one or more among a wide range of content-creating activities on the Internet: 64
Percentage who share their own artistic creations online, such as artwork, photos, stories or videos: 39
Source: PEW Internet and American Life Project.
Idle Thought
"You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was." -- Irish Proverb
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)