Percentage of Americans who believe their communications histories (including phone calls, emails and Internet use) are accessible to the government, businesses, and others, according to figures from Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor poll: 85
Percentage who feel that they have little or no control over the type of information that is collected and used by various groups and organizations: 66
Percentage who feel that they are unable to correct inaccurate personal information: 59
Source: Allstate Insurance Co.
Percentage of Americans who have enough savings to cover at least six months' expenses, according to research from 24
Percentage who have less than three months': 50
Percentage who have no emergency savings: 27
Average number of hours per month that baby boomers spend watching TV (significantly more than millennials' 107 hours per month), according to Nielsen: 174
Percentage of prescription drug sales accounted for by boomers: 77
Percentage of leisure travel spending accounted for by boomers: 80
Source: Nielsen Analytics.
Percentage of Americans who say Kanye West and Kim Kardashian's baby will be more spoiled than Prince William and Kate's baby: 50
Percentage who said William and Kate's baby: 10
When women were asked which famous mom they would like to have a play date with, percentage who picked Kate Middleton: 19
Percentage who chose Kim Kardashian: 4
Source: Harris Interactive.
Percentage of consumers who are more likely to choose a lower price over better service (a choice that tends to fall in the favor of larger businesses that can take advantage of economies of scale), according to a survey by by 52
Percentage who say they have not bought something because they were not happy with the customer service they were getting: 80
Percentage who said their customer service experience with small companies meets or exceeds expectations: 94
Percentage of Americans and their bed partners whose sleep is interrupted by snoring (though most just suffer through it instead of seeking help), according to a survey sponsored by ResMed: 84
Number of times more likely that men are to say their bed partner leaves the room to escape their snoring: 2
Percentage of people who still choose to suffer through a sleepless night instead of leaving the bedroom or seeking solutions: 65
Source: ResMed.
Of the top 20 most-searched international destinations for summer travel, number of European cities that made the list, according to 8
Number of Caribbean islands that made the list: 7
Ranks of London, Paris and Dublin on the list: 2, 3, 5
Ranks of Puerto Rico, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic on the list of 20: 1, 4, 7
Percentage of homeowners nationwide who are underwater on their mortgages, according to Zillow Negative Equity Report, May 2013: 25
Percentage of homeowners who plan to make a home improvement or addition this summer: 60
Median amount homeowners plan to spend on summer home improvement projects: $1,200
Source: Zillow.
Percentage of workers who identified in-house, instructor-led workshops as the type of professional training they value most, according to a survey from OfficeTeam: 33
Percentage of employees who cited tuition reimbursement for off-site seminars: 22
Percentage who cite online courses: 18
Percentage who named reference books: 16
Source: OfficeTeam.
Percentage of Americans who believe that in the next 40 years computers will be able to converse like human beings, according to Pew Research: 81
Percentage who believe there will be a cure for cancer: 71
Percentage who believe there will be artificial limbs that will perform better than natural ones: 66
Source: Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
Idle Thought
"Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)