Percentage of the annual income that retirees earned during their working years that they'll need in retirement, according to 70
Of the 50 states plus the District of Columbia, number where this requirement falls short: 49
Ranks of Nevada (70.72 percent) and Hawaii (70.06 percent) on the list -- the only states to reach the 70 percent threshold: 1, 2
At the start of 2012, average Social Security payment for a retired worker, the primary source of income for a majority of retired Americans: $1,230 a month ($14,760 a year)
Source: Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
Percentage of married Americans who completely trust their spouse's money management skills, according to the Country Financial Security Index survey: 63
Percentage of respondents who say they did not discuss how they would handle their joint finances before marriage: 42
Percentage of couples who manage their money completely jointly: 67
Source: Country Financial.
Percentage of Generation Y women (half of the 80 million strong cohort of Americans between the ages of 18 and 35) who consider shopping to be a form of entertainment and something to share with friends and family, according to a survey by the Urban Land Institute: 70
Percentage of the men who agree: 50
Percentage of respondents who said they dine out at least once a week with friends or family: 46
Percentage of Gen-Yers who receive financial assistance from their parents: 34
Source: Urban Land Institute.
Century to which roller coasters can trace their roots to ice slides in Russia, according to the U.S. Census Bureau: 15th
In the U.S., year that the first roller coaster opened at Coney Island, N.Y.: 1874
Length of the ride that was called the "Gravity Pleasure Switchback Railway": 1 minute
Breakneck speed of the ride: 6 miles per hour
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
Percentage of hiring managers who said young adults' inability to directly and clearly answer questions and articulate their skills and experience during the interview are main factors for them not getting the job, according to a survey of hiring managers from Adecco Staffing U.S.: 34
Ranks of lack of eye contact, checking phone/texting, fidgeting and bad posture on the list of other slip-ups made during an interview: 2, 3, 4, 5
Source: Adecco.
Percentage of working moms who said their children have asked them to work less, according to an annual CareerBuilder study: 28
Percentage who reported that they spend two hours or less with their children each day during the workweek: 24
Percentage of working moms who said their jobs have negatively impacted their relationship with their children: 17
Percentage of those 35 and older who reported that their job is the No. 1 reason for needing a vacation, yet a majority do not plan to take all of their vacation time, according to a Best Western Vacation Citation survey conducted with Wakefield Research: 68
Ranks of "concern over spending money" (33 percent) and "too much work" (16 percent) on the list of vacation obstacles cited by respondents: 1, 2
Source: Wakefield Research.
Rank of shopping on the list of the most popular vacation activity this summer, according to more than half of respondents, according to the results of the 2013 summer travel survey by TripAdvisor: 1
Ranks of swimming, going to a museum, visiting a national or state park, and attending a BBQ or cookout on the list of the most popular vacation activities: 2, 3, 4, 5
Source: TripAdvisor.
Percentage of U.S. homes that contain a cat, according to a survey by Ipsos Public Affairs: 34
Percentage of U.S. households that can be called a "dog house": 48
Source: Ipsos Public Affairs RS.
Percentage of C-level executives -- across all industries -- who say that regulatory changes have caused either substantial or moderate changes in their risk management and reporting processes in the past two years, according to a new KPMG International survey report: 70
Percentage of health care executives who said government pressure to contain spending was their biggest threat: 50
Percentage of executives in diversified industrials who said an economic slowdown in the 34 markets comprising the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (including North America, most of Europe, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand) was their biggest risk: 49
Source: KPMG LLP.
Idle Thought
"Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher." -- Japanese proverb
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)