While families that have stay-at-home dads and working moms are more accepted by society than they were five years ago, percentage of moms who said stay-at-home moms are less accepted than they were five years ago, according to a BabyCenter report: 27
Source: BabyCenter, LLC.
Number of students who were taking at least one online course during the fall 2011 term, an increase of 570,000 students compared to the previous year, according to the 2012 survey of online learning conducted by the Babson Survey Research Group: 6.7 million
Percentage of higher education students who now take at least one course online: 32
Source: Babson College.
Year that three Bell Laboratory scientists unveiled what would become the junction transistor, the foundation of the information age, and shared the Nobel Prize in physics, according to the Census Bureau: 1956
Estimated number of stores selling electronic devices in the U.S., with sales worth $109 billion annually: 51,000
Source: Census Bureau.
Even if they've left the nest, percentage of today's emerging adults (defined as young people between the ages of 18 to 29) who maintain close contact with their parents via texting, email, phone or in person, according to a Clark University poll: 77
Percentage of emerging adults who contact their parents every day or almost every day: 52
Source: Clark University.
Average annual Valentine's Day spending, according to Statistic Brain Research: $13.19 billion
Number of Valentine's Day cards exchanged annually: 180 million
Average number of roses produced for Valentine's Day: 196 million
Percentage of Valentine's Day cards bought by women: 85
Percentage of flowers bought by men: 73
Source: Statistic Brain.
Percentage of Americans who believe that remorse motivated Lance Armstrong to confess to taking performance-enhancing drugs, according to an Ipsos/Reuters Poll: 12
Percentage who believe he came forward because he could no longer continue to deny it: 48
Percentage who say he confessed to help rebuild his public image: 31
Percentage of respondents who say he confessed to minimize his legal issues: 28
Source: Ipsos Public Affairs.
Percentage of formulated food that contains sweetener, according to a study published in The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: 75
Percentage that use caloric sweeteners: 68
Percentage of yogurts and sport/energy drinks that use noncaloric sweeteners: 33
Percentage of waters (plain or flavored) and dietetic sweetened beverages that use noncaloric sweeteners: 42
Source: Food Nutrition & Science.
Percentage of data breaches that are attributable to lost paper files and portable memory devices, according to a survey conducted by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) and the Health Care Compliance Association: 65
Percentage of compliance and ethics professionals who said that their department led the remediation effort following the last data breach: 69
Source: Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics.
Number of natural peril events that occurred worldwide in 2012 (2011: 257), according to the Annual Global Climate and Catastrophe Report and Catastrophe Insight: 295
Total economic loss caused by these events: $200 billion
Percentage of all 2012 insurance losses globally (nearly half of all economic losses for the year) that were accounted for by two U.S. natural peril events, Hurricane Sandy and a year-long drought: 66
Source: AON PLC.
Percentage of non-IT respondents who consider their IT department a support or maintenance organization, compared with 39 percent of IT: 54
Percentage of IT and non-IT respondents who are in agreement about the future importance of the internal IT team, and believe IT will become more critical to the business over the next two years: 60
Source: Information Week.
Idle Thought
"We are so vain that we even care for the opinion of those we don't care for." -- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)bwr.eastlink.ca.)