Among those at least age 8 at the time, percentage who say they remember where they were when they first heard the news that Nixon had resigned, according to Pew Research Center for People and the Press: 71
Percentage of adults who remember where they were or what they were doing the moment they heard the news about the terror attacks of 9/11: 97
Percentage of Americans age 8 or older at that time who say they can recall where they were or what they were doing when they heard of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963: 95
Source: Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
Percentage of respondents who indicated that they expect their friends and family to respond to Facebook posts within one hour, according to the results from the 2012 Life on Demand Study by Performics: 41
If they don't receive a response within an expected time frame, of those who indicate they care, percentage who are annoyed: 49
Source: Performics.
"This program is brought to you by ..." -- year in which those words or ones close to them were heard as the first commercial on the new medium of radio, according to the U.S. Census Bureau: 1912
Cost charged by Station WEAF in New York City for that first ad -- not for soap or automobiles, but for a group of apartment buildings in Queens: $100 for 10 minutes of programming
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
When asked from a list of items which would be the most difficult to live without, percentage of geeks who chose pen and paper over devices such as a computer (58 percent), smartphone (41 percent) and MP3 player (25 percent), according to a survey by Modis: 71
Source: Modis.
Percentage of last year's graduates who say they were definitely delaying getting married, vs. 8 percent among those who graduated at least seven years ago, according to a survey of graduates of public and private colleges and universities across the country conducted by the College Savings Foundation: 19
Percentage of recent grads who have definitely delayed having children for financial reasons, vs. 13.5 percent among those out of school for seven-plus years: 21
Source: College Savings Foundation.
Rank of "exercise and eating right" on the list of ways to feel "irresistible" for both genders, according to a survey by 1
For men, ranks of "having sex" and "spending quality time with your significant other" on the list: 2, 3
For women, rank of "buying a new outfit/accessories" and "spending quality time with your significant other" on the list: 2, 3
Percentage of employers who believe that the use of curse words brings the employee's professionalism into question, according to a CareerBuilder Survey: 81
Percentage of employers who worry about the lack of maturity demonstrated by swearing at work: 68
When buying ice cream or other frozen novelties, percentage of people who say they base their decision on flavor, according to Mintel research: 94
Percentage who look at price: 83
Percentage who look for a sale or promotion: 72
Source: Mintel.
Percentage of Americans who currently have a pet, according to the results of The Harris Poll: 60
Percentage of pet owners who say they consider their pet to be a member of their family -- a sentiment that remains constant among owners of dogs (94 percent) and/or cats (91 percent): 91
Percentage of pet owners who say they frequently let their pet sleep in the bed with them: 51
Source: Harris Interactive.
Percentage of employees who say they had experienced major life or work changes (move, death of a loved one, change in job responsibilities, etc.) in the past year, according to the results from a study by ComPsych Corp.: 52
Percentage who had trouble coping with stress load: 15
Percentage of employees who have high blood pressure: 29
Percentage who have high cholesterol: 25
Source: ComPsych Corp.
Idle Thought
"The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise." -- Alden Nowlan, poet, novelist and playwright (1933-1983)
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)