Percentage of American workers who are "not engaged" or "actively disengaged" in their work, meaning they are emotionally disconnected from their workplaces and are less likely to be productive, according to a Gallup poll: 71
Percentage who are "engaged," or involved in and enthusiastic about their work and contributing to their organizations in a positive manner: 29
Source: Gallup.
Percentage of individuals currently paying rent for their residences who said they would prefer to own their own houses, according to a survey on behalf of Whirlpool Corp. and Habitat for Humanity International conducted by the National Association of Home Builders' Research Center: 68
Estimated percentage of households in the United States that live in rental housing (according to the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University): 33
Source: Whirlpool.
Percentage of Americans who said privacy is important during a job search, according to a survey commissioned by 88
Percentage of respondents who say when searching online, keeping their resume private from their peers is more important than maximizing its exposure: 55
Percentage who go as far as to say it would be worse for co-workers to find out about their job search than finding out about an office romance: 30
Percentage of IT professionals who are happy at their current job, according to a survey by Modis and conducted by Braun Research Inc.: 89
Percentage who intend to stay where they are presently employed: 64
Percentage of all IT professionals who expect a raise next year: 44
Source: Modis.
Percentage of Americans who believe overweight and obese individuals should be penalized for their unhealthful habits, according to the Thomson Reuters-NPR Health Poll: 30.7
When asked if they thought it was acceptable to deny employment to overweight or obese individuals, percentage of Americans who said yes: 11.3
Source: Thomson Reuters.
Number of cosmetic procedures that were performed in 2010, up 5 percent from previous years, according to a study released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons: 13.1 million
Percentage rise in the number of facelifts, with nearly 113,000 procedures: 9
Source: ASPS.
Percentage of manufacturers that will give employees both Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday as paid holidays, according to BNA's annual survey of employers' year-end holiday plans: 90
Percentage of employers in non-manufacturing that will give employees both Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday as paid holidays: 71
Rank of overtime pay (45 percent) in the form of either time-and-a-half (26 percent) or double-time pay (19 percent) on the list of the most frequent forms of compensation offered to those who work on Thanksgiving Day: 1
Source: BNA-Bloomberg.
When asked, "On average, how well prepared academically would you say children are when they first enter your kindergarten classroom" -- percentage of teachers who stated that students were only somewhat or not at all prepared, according to the results of a nationwide kindergarten preparedness survey released by Age of Learning Inc.: 66
Percentage of teachers who said that the majority of children do not know their alphabet when they enter kindergarten: 67
Source: Age of Learning.
Year that all railroads in the U.S. began operating on a unified system of time zones, replacing a chaotic welter of different timetables, according to the U.S. Census Bureau: 1883
Year that an international conference in Washington, D.C., adjourned after establishing the system of times zones around the world that is in use today: 1884
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
Idle Thought
"He who strikes the first blow admits he's lost the argument." -- Chinese Proverb
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)