On average, estimated percentage of their tax money that taxpayers believe is not used in ways that serve the interests and values of the people of their country, according to the findings of a BBC World Service global poll across 22 countries, conducted by GlobeScan/PIPA: 52
Percentage of people around the world, and majorities in all but one of 22 countries polled, who think that government should subsidize food to keep prices down for consumers: 78
Source: World Public Opinion.
Percentage of small-business owners who now plan to never retire until forced to do so for health reasons -- up from about 4 in 10 in 2005 and 2007 -- according to a Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index poll: 47
Percentage who plan to cut back on work but stay involved with their business when they retire: 41
Percentage who are planning to stop working in their business altogether, a drop from nearly twice that level in 2005: 10
Source: Gallup.
Percentage of car owners who are planning to drive their current vehicle for 50,000 (or more) miles longer than they drove their previous one, according to AutoMD.com: 80
Source: AutoMD.com.
Though the recession has been declared officially over, percentage of Americans who are still considering a part-time job for extra income, according to a study conducted by The Pampered Chef: 58
Percentage of adults who are more likely to consider taking a second job now than they were six months ago: 33
Amount of extra money per month Americans say would be enough to make a positive impact on most households: $100 to $600
Percentage of Americans who would use some or all of the extra income earned from a second job to pay off bills: 66
Source: The Pampered Chef.
Percentage of working adults who believe that company culture is a critical driver of business success, according to Randstad's Work Watch survey: 66
Percentage of employees who believe company culture has the greatest impact on employee morale: 35
Percentage who believe that it has the greatest impact on employee productivity: 22
Percentage of younger workers, ages 18 to 34, who say it plays the biggest role in building job satisfaction: 23
Source: Randstad-USA.
Year that one of the first communities built by a real-estate developer opened for residents to move into, according to the U.S. Census Bureau: 1947
Estimated number of Cape Cod and ranch houses that the town ultimately contained, all of which were snapped up by soldiers returning home from World War II and facing an acute housing shortage: 17,000
Cost of the houses in Levittown, N.Y., in 1947: $7,500
Average square footage of floor space: 800
Average square footage of living space in a new home in the U.S. today: 2,500
Average cost of a house today: $232,000
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
Rank of safety and security on the list of concerns for international travelers, according to results of a survey conducted for the U.S. Travel Insurance Association: 1
Percentage of Americans who say that safety and security issues would not deter them from traveling internationally: 70
Percentage who say that safety and security concerns would influence their choice of an overseas destination: 60
Source: Kundell Communications.
Percentage increase in the number of miles driven by U.S. motorists over the past five years, according to research by State Farm: 2
Percentage increase in the number of deer-vehicle collisions in the U.S. during that time: 21
Estimated number of collisions between deer and vehicles that occurred in the U.S. during the two-year period between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2010: 2.3 million
Source: State Farm.
Percentage of teens who say bullying is a problem in their schools and communities, according to a nationally representative survey of teens and 20-somethings conducted by TRU: 64
Percentage of teens who know someone their age who has been the target of hateful or hurtful electronic communication: 52
Percentage who admit to having suffered such intimidation themselves: 29
Source: TRU.
Ranks of Ellen DeGeneres, Hugh Jackman and Jennifer Aniston, each scoring 9 out of a possible 10, on the list of celebrities' hair, according to the new Hair Q Score developed by medical doctor and prominent hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Shapiro: first (tie)
Rank of Donald Trump: last
Source: Dr. Shapiro.
Idle Thought
"Walking is man's best medicine." -- Hippocrates, the father of medicine
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)bwr.eastlink.ca.)