Percentage of small companies -- one of the major drivers for economic recovery and job growth -- that plan to add new employees in the months of July through December, according to a CareerBuilder survey: 32
Percentage that will hire part-time: 11
Percentage that will hire contractors or temporary workers: 6
Percentage of adults surveyed in 22 countries (representing 75 percent of the world's GDP) who, if a family member became ill, would find it difficult to get quality, affordable health care services for them, according to a Reuters News poll conducted by Ipsos: 52
Source: Ipsos Insight.
Percentage of men who find tattoos on women to be a turnoff, according to an Ask Jeeves survey: 47
Percentage of women who feel the same way about men with tattoos: 38
Number of Americans who have at least one tattoo: 45 million
Percentage of individuals with tattoos who eventually grow dissatisfied and want them removed: 50
Source: Syneron Inc.
Ranks of Italy, Australia, Ireland, Great Britain, France and Greece on the list of destinations Americans would choose as the one place they would like to visit if money were no object, according to a Harris poll: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Source: Harris Interactive.
Percentage of CFOs who said the security of remaining actively employed was the No. 1 reason they'd consider consulting, according to a Robert Half Management Resources survey: 26
Percentage who said that flexible schedules were their reason for considering consulting: 21
Percentage who cited the variety and challenge of consulting work as their reason: 20
Source: Robert Half International.
Percentage of likely voters who say extending unemployment benefits and business tax breaks justify increasing the deficit, according to a Zogby Interactive survey: 48
Percentage who say federal spending on jobs is more important than the deficit: 53
Source: Zogby International.
When given a choice between new roads funded by an increased gas tax or by tolls, or no new roads at all, percentage of Americans who prefer tolls, according to an America THINKS survey from HNTB Corp.: 41
Percentage who said "no new roads at all": 41
Percentage who were in favor of increased gas taxes: 18
Source: HNTB Corp.
Percentage of older Americans (55 and older) who believe that their social life and friendships would suffer the most from a hearing loss, according to a public opinion survey commissioned by HearUSA: 44
Percentage of all Americans who believe that their social life and friendships would suffer most from a hearing loss: 29
Source: HearUSA.
Percentage of singles who voted South Beach in Miami, Fla., as the best place to meet eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, according to a survey from in partnership with Southwest Airlines: 43
Percentage of's single users who list travel as an interest: 80
With summer travel in full swing, percentage of's single users who said if given two weeks off, they would vacation at the beach: 40
Percentage of adults with access to the Internet who have bypassed their bank's online bill payment service and go directly to the biller's website instead, according to Mintel Comperemedia: 45
Percentage of online banking customers who have never paid a bill online at all: 22
Percentage of all checking direct-mail offers that include a mention of online banking: 40
Source: Mintel Comperemedia.
Idle Thought
"An economist's guess is liable to be as good as anybody else's." -- Will Rogers
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)