Percentage of travelers who, unfortunately, have endured loud snoring from their seatmates on flights, according to a TripAdvisor flyer survey: 44
Percentage who have experienced obvious intoxication: 25
Percentage who have experienced excessive flatulence: 19
Percentage who have experienced couples who cannot keep their hands off one another: 11
Source: TripAdvisor.
Percentage of companies that have frozen salaries, up from 21 percent in December, according to a survey by Watson Wyatt: 55
Percentage of respondents who plan to decrease this year's bonus pool by an average of about 40 percent: 48
Percentage who have added a "clawback" (or monetary recoupment) policy: 23
Source: Watson Wyatt Worldwide.
As G-20 leaders met in London, percentage of people in the 24 countries polled who think "major changes" are required to the way the global economy is run, according to a global poll of people carried out for BBC World Service GlobeScan: 70
When asked whether the downturn in the global economy has negatively affected them and their family, percentage who said it had affected them at least "a fair amount": 62
Source: PIPA/
Percentage of small business that at one point have had to search for an old or deleted e-mail for compliance purposes, according to a survey carried out by eMediaUSA on behalf of GFI Software: 47
Percentage that say it typically takes less than an hour to find an e-mail from 15 months ago or longer: 29
Percentage that do not feel they are sufficiently informed about compliance and e-mail archiving issues: 40
Source: GFI Software.
Ranks of taking on more projects/responsibility and working more hours as the leading concessions employees are willing to accept to keep their jobs, according to a Q1 Employee Confidence Survey of employed adults: 1, 2
Percentage who are willing to take unpaid leave: 34 (Up from 24 percent in December 2008.)
Percentage of Americans who said they expected a tax refund this year, according to a survey by Econ4U: 83
Percentage who were planning on spending the refund: 31
Percentage who said they would use it to pay off existing credit card debt: 18
Source: Econ4U.
Percentage of American drivers who complained of an inability to focus while driving at night, according to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation: 18
Number of times higher the fatality rate at nighttime (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) is than the daytime rate: 3
Source: National Sleep Foundation.
Percentage of Americans who have gone without medical or prescription drug care in the past year, due to the cost, according to a survey by Zogby: 16
Percentage of those Americans with less than $25,000 in household income who admit to doing without medical care: 34
Percentage of those from households with more than $100,000 in income who say the same: 10
Source: Zogby International.
Percentage of Americans who chose Great Britain as America's greatest ally, according to a Gallup Poll: 36
Percentage who chose Canada: 29
Percentage who said Japan: 12
Source: Gallup.
Percentage of network video downloaders who favor watching ads in exchange for free video, according to the findings from Knowledge Networks: 80 (Up from 67 percent in 2006.)
Percentage of all Internet users who say they streamed TV network video -- from clips to full episodes -- during the three-month study period: 37
Source: Knowledge Networks.
Idle Thought
"The artist brings something into the world that didn't exist before, and he does it without destroying something else." -- John Updike, writer (1932-2009)
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)