Today is the 326th day of 2012 and the 61st day of autumn.
TODAY'S HISTORY: In 1783, Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Marquis Francois Laurent d'Arlandes made the first successful balloon ascent.
In 1877, Thomas Edison announced his invention of the phonograph.
In 1922, Rebecca Felton of Georgia was sworn in as the first female U.S. senator.
In 1995, leaders representing warring factions in the former Yugoslavia initialed a peace agreement in Dayton, Ohio.
TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS: Voltaire (1694-1778), philosopher; Stan Musial (1920- ), baseball player; Earl Monroe (1944- ), basketball player; Goldie Hawn (1945- ), actress; Tina Brown (1953- ), editor; Bjork (1965- ), singer/actress; Troy Aikman (1966- ), football player/sportscaster; Ken Griffey Jr. (1969- ), baseball player.
TODAY'S SPORTS: In 1942, the National Hockey League discontinued overtime in regular-season games because of wartime restrictions on train schedules. It was restored in 1983.
TODAY'S FACT: Prolific inventor Thomas Edison received his first patent in 1869 for a vote-recording machine.
TODAY'S QUOTE: "No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking." -- Voltaire
TODAY'S NUMBER: 24 -- All-Star Games in which baseball Hall of Famer Stan Musial appeared.
TODAY'S MOON: Between first quarter (Nov. 20) and full moon (Nov. 28).