DEAR HARRIETTE: Many people have advised me to start a few hobbies again to get my motivation back. A few years back, I abhorred reading, but recently, I have found a love for it. I typically read during the summertime when I do not have other obligations. When I get into a book, it is hard for me to focus on anything else or go to sleep until I finish it. This is not exactly productive when I need to do schoolwork. I do not want to stop reading, because it is a much better use of my time than getting consumed by social media or television or naps that are way too long. Still, I need to do a better job managing my time so that I do not become so entranced in my books. How do you suggest I manage my reading time in tandem with my schoolwork? -- Time Management
DEAR TIME MANAGEMENT: Reading is a much better use of your time than some alternative activities, so congratulate yourself on that. Use technology to help you out. Set a timer on your phone to alert you to the end of reading time. Give yourself an hour for reading, followed by quiet. In order to calm your mind and prepare to sleep, you need to stop any form of stimulation. Reading can be extremely engaging. It is known as a way to transport readers to new locales and experiences -- not to lull them to sleep or toward schoolwork. So limit your reading time and pivot to your duties when the alarm sounds.