DEAR HARRIETTE: I have a friend who is virtually a nomad. He’s always traveling somewhere, hanging out in exotic locales with interesting people. I hadn’t heard from him since the summer but thought nothing of it. When I called, I discovered that he was in the hospital with a medical emergency. I felt so bad that I didn’t know and hadn’t reached out. I know it’s on him to inform his friends or whomever he wants to know about his condition, but we are close. I am bummed about it. Now that I know, I am regularly in touch with him and doing my best to support him in whatever ways I can, but he doesn’t really want help. He is a bit of a loner and has pushed back when I have offered to bring him anything or visit. How can I be a good friend in this situation while also honoring his wishes to keep my distance? -- Tending The Ill
DEAR TENDING THE ILL: Stay in touch. Call him each week to see if he needs anything at all. Send him small items that will make him smile: a book to read, a small memento that recalls happier times, a home-cooked dessert (if his health regimen allows). Periodically you can ask if he will allow you to visit.
You should not spring a surprise visit on him. Allow him to have his privacy and his dignity. You don’t know what’s going on with him, and you don’t know what condition he is in. Respect his desire to keep a distance. Don’t get jealous if you learn that anyone else is allowed to visit. Just continue to let him know that you are available if he needs or wants your help.