DEAR HARRIETTE: My best friend and I have been neighbors for 20 years. For 20 years, she’s been a short walk away from my home; she’s always been there whenever I’ve needed her (and vice versa). Recently, she told me she accepted a position in another state. Although I'm happy for her, I'm devastated that she is moving so far away from me. I'm excited for her to start this next chapter of her life, but it's hard for me to be happy for her knowing that I'm being left behind. How can I be a supportive friend without showing how truly sad I am that she is leaving? -- Losing My Friend
DEAR LOSING MY FRIEND: You two are close, so it’s natural that you would be sad -- devastated, even. It’s also OK to tell her. Chances are, she is feeling emotional about this change in her life, too. What you probably need is to have a good cry with her, swap stories about wonderful memories that you have created together, and help her pack.
Many dear friends are close even when they live many miles apart. This can be true for the two of you. You can still visit each other. Don’t consider this goodbye. Instead, think of it as a new chapter in your lives.