DEAR HARRIETTE: I have just started another semester at college. So far, it has been decent. The courses I am taking are a bit more challenging, but at least I have really good professors.
For the fall semester, I received straight A’s, and it boosted my GPA. I have been stressed out lately because I am having second thoughts about my potential. I know that since I did well last semester, I need to do exceptionally well this semester. I know that the new semester just started, but I want to know what I can do to not second-guess myself. -- Hardworking Student
DEAR HARDWORKING STUDENT: Having been an A student myself, I personally understand your concern. What I did was focus on learning everything that my professors taught. I did not focus on the grade. I recommend that you pay attention to the syllabus, set up a study schedule for yourself that includes ample time for paying attention to your work and enough time for rest. Do your best to include time for fun. If you only do schoolwork, you could stress yourself out. And if you find yourself slipping in a subject, ask your professor for support early on and find out if you can do some extra credit.