DEAR HARRIETTE: When my daughter was a baby, we had a nanny who took care of her for many years. Time has passed so quickly; my daughter is about to go to college.
We recently heard from our former nanny, and she really wants to see my daughter before she goes away. The problem is that my daughter is so caught up in her friends and school that she is usually too busy to think about the elders in her life -- even though she loves her nanny a lot. How can I get her to slow down for a minute and make time to see this person who is important to her? -- Nanny Love
DEAR NANNY LOVE: Now is the time to put your foot down. Schedule a time when you invite your nanny over or organize a meal at a restaurant or some other mutually comfortable location. Let your daughter know that it is a requirement that she make time to visit with her former nanny. Don’t set it up as a punishment; instead, encourage her to be excited by letting her know how special it is that her nanny wants to see her after so many years. In the end, though, make it clear that you expect your daughter to show up with a smile on her face to spend time with this trusted extended family member. If she refuses, take away some privileges until she is forced to wake up to who she is and what she values.