DEAR HARRIETTE: I have been working at a part-time job for a couple of years, and it’s always an agonizing experience. The owner of the business is scatterbrained. She constantly berates her staff about the littlest things, and her manner is hard to stomach. Plus, the pay is really low. I got into the job because I do like the work -- an educational project that is inspirational in nature. I try to keep that in mind when my boss is going off on one or more of the staff. But I’m getting tired.
I talked to my husband about it, and he told me I should walk away from the job. He says I shouldn’t stay in a situation that is toxic. I reminded him of how tight our finances are. He said, “When one door closes, another door opens.” I’m afraid to leave this job. I have another friend who didn’t like his job and walked, and now he is struggling way worse. What should I do? -- At a Loss, Seattle
DEAR AT A LOSS: Talk to your husband in more detail about your finances and how you will be able to pay your bills if you leave this job. Be specific about every bill that your household has, and figure out if he can carry the weight for a period of time. If you can come to terms with how you will be able to manage for the next year -- in case you don’t replace this income by then -- you have the freedom to walk away responsibly. Then you can go to your boss and thank her for the opportunity to work there as you tell her that it is time for you to go. If she asks why, be careful in your response. You do not need to go into detail about her behavior. You can just tell her it wasn’t a good fit. You can also say that it was hard for you to work in a place that is so volatile. If you want to warn others, you can go to to post an anonymous review of the work environment.