DEAR HARRIETTE: I have been taking my daughter to vote with me since she was born. She is a teenager now, and getting closer to the age when she will be able to vote. The midterm elections are coming up, and I reminded her that we are going to be voting soon. She shrugged it off because it means she has to get up earlier than normal before going to school. These days it is always a fight to get her out of bed and to school on time. Still, I do not want to break our tradition. To me, it’s even more important for her to go with me when I cast my ballot as she prepares to become a voter herself. How can I be sure that I can get her to comply? -- Encouraging the Vote, Boston
DEAR ENCOURAGING THE VOTE: Talk to your daughter about the importance of the midterm elections. Discuss who is running for office and what you think about the various candidates. Engage her in a meaningful discussion about the election so that it becomes real for her.
As she nears voting age, the way that she will become interested in getting up and getting out to vote is if she cares about the issues and understands that her vote can make a difference. Her single vote can help to bring about the change that she may want in the world. If you talk to her about the issues and the candidates so that she gets excited about the process, she will be more likely to wake up on her own and want to go with you to cast your ballot.