DEAR HARRIETTE: My boyfriend is friends with his ex-girlfriend -- not because they want to be friends, but because their families are friends. They grew up together, and their families are extremely close. He dated this girl for two years before they broke up. I met my boyfriend in college, and we have been dating for just over two years.
My boyfriend still sees his ex because of all the family functions they go to. I know I can’t get jealous because he doesn’t do this on purpose, but it still makes me have a pit in my stomach. He broke up with her, and she had a tough time getting over him and wanted to get back with him for the longest time. It makes me anxious when they are drinking and hanging out at their family functions because I know she tries to woo him, even though he has no interest. How do I try to calm my nerves and anxiety when she’s around? -- Ex-Girlfriend Worries Me, Columbus, Ohio
DEAR EX-GIRLFRIEND WORRIES ME: Do you ever get invited to these family functions? One way to help neutralize things is for your boyfriend to include you in some of these gatherings. Be honest with him. Tell him you don’t want to feel uncomfortable about his ex, but you are human, and her constant presence in his life bothers you. Ask him to support you by including you in these family functions. Hopefully, he will understand and agree.