DEAR HARRIETTE: I am a private tutor working in New York City. I have been working with a family who lives on the Upper East Side for six months. They have a 7-year-old son, and I love working with him and enjoy interacting with the family, too. Next fall, the family is moving to London for a job opportunity. Last week, my boss approached me about moving to London with them to continue my tutoring position with the family. All of my expenses would be paid in addition to my usual tutor salary. The offer sounds great, but I think it might be too much for me to uproot my entire life to move to London with a family I have known for only six months. Do you think I should take the risk and move? -- Tutoring Job in London, Manhattan, New York
DEAR TUTORING JOB IN LONDON: Congratulate yourself on being an excellent tutor and a trustworthy individual. That this family who has known you for such a short time has extended this invitation is proof that they value you tremendously.
Life is filled with risks and opportunities. You need to weigh the pros and cons of the move. Write down what you like about the idea and what you don’t. Be specific. List the questions that you have as well. For example, if you will be living at the family home, what are the ground rules? Will you be expected to baby-sit for the child, and, if so, what is the compensation? Can they give you a formal employment contract for a specific period, after which you renegotiate? Think through it all and ask them everything that you can imagine so that you can get comfortable with the idea. Personally, I think it sounds like a wonderful opportunity!