DEAR HARRIETTE: A friend’s mom recently told her that she had put on a few pounds and needed to lose it. When my friend mentioned it to me, I took it as a joke, like I thought she would, because she does not need to lose weight. A few days later, I walked into her house and there were sticky notes on the food cabinets and the refrigerator. One of them said, “Do not eat unless you are hungry.” The other one said, “Are you hungry?” I tried to act as if everything was normal, but that just isn’t normal. I am not sure how to act or what to do. Do I do anything? -- Weight Loss, Richmond, Virginia
DEAR WEIGHT LOSS: Let’s start with the reality that you are not a doctor, and neither is your friend’s mother. The best thing you might be able to do is to encourage your friend to get a physical from a medical practitioner to make sure she's healthy. A doctor can measure and weigh her to see if she is of a proper weight for her size and age. If she can go to her own general practitioner, she can also get a comparison to her previous weight. Encourage her to speak directly with her doctor about her concerns, including what her mother said.