DEAR HARRIETTE: My son is getting in a lot a trouble his senior year of high school. He goes to a boarding school hundreds of miles away, and I have gotten calls and emails about him talking back to teachers, pulling pranks and missing practices. I don’t know what could possibly be going on, but I know that he needs to adjust his attitude. I have worked very hard to give him this education, and I cannot stand to have him kicked out of school with mere months left. How do I get “David” in the right lane? This could jeopardize his future college career. -- Frustrated Father, Dallas
DEAR FRUSTRATED FATHER: You need to go to the school and see your son. With your own eyes, observe his life, his room, his friends. Talk to his teachers and coaches. Schedule meetings so that everything is organized. Set up a meeting with the campus psychologist to get an evaluation of what’s going on with your son. If this behavior is sudden and extreme, chances are something happened to precipitate it. Do your best to find out what’s going on.
Talk to your son about his life. Gently try to get him to open up so that you learn what’s happening. Remind him that he is almost finished with school. He needs to perform well, grade-wise as well as behaviorally, in order to have a good chance of getting into the college of his choice. Monitor him from a distance by staying in touch with members of the administrative staff.