DEAR HARRIETTE: My husband and my mother love to spend time together. They have been spending more time together as of this year and, honestly, it freaks me out. They have gone to fitness classes, lunches and festivals together. My father and I work long hours, so I am happy they have each other to spend time with, but I don't understand why they have bonded so much in this recent year.
I should not feel like a third wheel to my mother and husband. I don't want to ask them to stop spending so much time together, but I feel as though it is the only way I can remedy what I am feeling. -- Too Close, Denver
DEAR TOO CLOSE: I understand that you are feeling jealous, but I want to invite you to get over it. Think about the alternative: Your husband could be chummy with a hot new teacher at the yoga studio or someone he randomly meets at a festival. Instead, he is choosing to share these moments with your mother, who has lived much of her life filling time without your father by her side. Honestly, it sounds like your mother may be consciously helping to protect your marriage as she also gets to know her son-in-law.
Stop worrying about yourself, and turn the tables on them. What can they do during their adventures to include you and your dad? Invite them to get creative to include you and your father in their experiences. Perhaps they search for little treasures to bring you on occasion, or they agree to find a great story to share. Admit to them that their close bond makes you a little jealous, and you need them to help you feel more at ease about their time together.