DEAR HARRIETTE: Is it bad if I do not go to my senior prom? I have thought about it for a while, and I know I won't regret not going. People keep telling me I have to go, but I have no interest in going to a party and getting all dressed up -- plus, there is no one in my school who I have any interest in going with. I am just ready for high school to be over and to start my new life away from my town. I don't see the problem with that. Is it worth it to force myself to go and be miserable the whole night just so I can say I went to my prom? -- Feeling Pressured, Denver
DEAR FEELING PRESSURED: There is no rule saying that you have to go to your prom. If you truly are not interested and are not connected to a friend group that is going, skip it and do something else. Design your own activity for that evening where you celebrate your significant accomplishment of completing high school. By creating your own memory, you fill the potential hole that could be present in the future when you look back on this time in your life.