DEAR HARRIETTE: I have two young children who are 7 and 9 years old, and they are starting to develop their musical likes and dislikes. I overheard my 7-year-old recite some racy lyrics, and I immediately turned the music off. The lyrics were disgusting, and I was shocked that they would play that kind of music on the radio. I understand that music will be a part of my children's lives and I will not be able to be with them at all times. How can I mange my children's radio selections when I am not around them? -- We Love Music, Brooklyn, N.Y.
DEAR WE LOVE MUSIC: What you must do is talk to your children about music (and everything else) that comes in their purview. Point out what you find offensive in songs. Make sure they know what you consider to be racy lyrics and why you do not approve. Tell them that when they hear things that your family considers offensive, they should turn it off or walk away if they are not in control of the device playing the music.
Your job is to educate them about your values so that whatever they experience, they can consider through that lens. Make it clear that there are many words, ideas and behaviors that others do that you do not condone in your home. Teach them that they should resist picking up any of those behaviors regardless of whether you are there.
Your best defense is education. To educate them means you must teach them the meaning of the bad words and deeds as well as the good ones so that they can understand the difference.