DEAR HARRIETTE: A good friend of mine went away for rehab for an eating disorder about a year ago. She called and told me about it, and for the next few months she talked about it a little. I think she had gained about 3 pounds and needed to gain about 30. I rarely see her since we don't live in the same town. I want to check in with her to see how she's doing. Do you think that's OK? -- Concerned Friend, Syracuse, N.Y.
DEAR CONCERNED FRIEND: Since your friend welcomed you into the conversation about her health, you have permission to bring it up again. But be sensitive. You can call and ask her how she's doing and if she is making strides with her eating disorder. Offer your love and support, and listen to see if she wants to talk. Don't press her, though. Tell her you want to support her in any way that you can. For more ideas: