DEAR MISS MANNERS: My boyfriend and I went out for a nice dinner and ordered quail as an appetizer. It was absolutely delicious, but also very difficult to eat, as the bird is very small, and the meat difficult to cut off of the bones.
We were laughing at ourselves in our frustration, trying to pin down the drumstick with the fork and knife to get at the meat, and wondering if there was a proper way to eat small fowl. It certainly didn’t seem proper to pick it up and eat it like a drumstick of fried chicken on a picnic, but the alternative -- chasing it around the plate with fork and knife and being unable to get at half of the meat -- didn’t seem quite right, either. Do you have any advice for us?
GENTLE READER: Quail is indeed a challenge. Request a very sharp knife, and reconcile yourself to not getting every last smidgeon. Miss Manners offers two observations: You are better off than the quail. And you will likely wish to order a more substantial main course.