DEAR MISS MANNERS: I live with my boyfriend, who recently needed me to bring lunch to him at work on a day that he forgot to bring it. I was more than happy to bring him a nice, freshly heated meal. Due to the circumstances of his work, I could not stay to make it a lunch together, so I was just dropping it off.
Today, when we woke up, he asked me to drop off lunch for him at work again. I told him that unless he forgot a lunch or was running late, this is using me as a delivery girl.
He then huffed that he would ask his sister instead. His sister has five to seven kids that she looks after during the day, so I told him that it would be unfair, and that it was also unfair to expect me to drop my schedule (even if it isn’t full like his sister’s) when he has every ability to bring his lunch.
He walked off without a response. He walks away without a response quite a bit, which is hurtful to me. Do I not deserve a response to at least say that he heard what I said, or that he disagrees, or agrees, or he’ll think about it? Was I wrong about it being presumptuous to expect me to deliver him lunch when he didn’t forget it and had time to pack it? And, if I wasn’t wrong, was my explanation rude?
GENTLE READER: As living together is often touted as a tryout period prior to a more permanent arrangement, it might be productive to examine the lessons learned about your boyfriend’s behavior, as Miss Manners assures you that your own was proper.