DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband and I go grocery shopping two times a month. To expedite the process, each of us retrieves half of the items on the grocery list, and we use two carts. I always keep my cart right next to me, and only leave it to take a few steps down or across an aisle to retrieve an item.
My husband will leave his cart at the far end of an aisle for around a minute or so (occasionally more) when he’s retrieving a few items at the other end. He will also leave the cart in one aisle to grab some items from another aisle. I do not expect him to be quite as fastidious as I am about staying near the cart, but I have witnessed people having to jostle around his cart or having some difficulty reaching items that his cart is obstructing.
He insists that such occurrences do not happen as much as I think they do (which may be true, as I am often in another section of the store, getting the items on my half of the list), and that he isn’t separated from his cart long enough for his behavior to be rude. He does try to grab items quickly when he leaves the cart unattended.
My opinion is that his behavior is inconsiderate to fellow shoppers. Am I right?
GENTLE READER: Not having checked on him either, Miss Manners cannot know whether it is true that he rarely does this, and only for a few moments. She would therefore be inclined to trust his word -- unless he also leaves his car in the middle of the street while he does errands.