DEAR MISS MANNERS: What is the proper and also gracious way to introduce the mother of a future baby whose parents are not married nor plan to remain close?
The future father is our relative, and neither family nor friends know the young lady. Are terms like "sister-in-law, cousin, granddaughter," etc., misleading and out of the question?
GENTLE READER: If the mother is not planning to stick around, Miss Manners would not have thought that how to introduce her would be a problem. Certainly if the relatives plan to gather at the hospital, her connection to the goings-on should be self-evident.
But assuming that introductions will be necessary in the future, you have public (as opposed to romantic, or perhaps unromantic) facts to use. Introducing her by her name, adding, by way of any needed identification, "Noah's mother" or "Our little cousin's mother," will not draw attention to an omission that was, in any case, not yours.