DEAR MISS MANNERS: While I was visiting with a friend, our children were playing together and my daughter became aggressive toward my friend's son, stealing the toy he was playing with from his hands.
I insisted that she return the toy. She did, but then immediately stole it again. I insisted she return it again, made her apologize and sent her to play by herself in another room for a few minutes, until she could be more civilized.
My friend immediately launched into a lecture, dismissing the practice of forcing children to apologize, telling me that it encourages children to develop a false sincerity and teaches them that they can get out of any troublesome situation simply by muttering "sorry."
I don't agree. As I see it, the apology is not the punishment, but a courtesy I would like my daughter to learn to use when she has wronged someone, regardless of how she feels about it.
I listened to my friend's argument without commenting or arguing. She went on to add that while some people force apologies and give time-outs, those methods are ineffective. After all, she has never used them with her boys, the apparent implication being that they are angelic and obedient.
The entire discussion was carried out in the abstract, but I was painfully aware that I was being reprimanded for the way I corrected my child's behavior and I felt belittled and insulted by the implication that her children were more obedient than mine because she is the superior mother. I politely ended the afternoon early and went home, but I would have liked to communicate more directly that I am quite satisfied with my parenting techniques, which seem to work for my child, and that I don't appreciate her attempts to proselytize.
Can you give me some advice about how to do that without opening a debate on the merits of forcing apologies or giving time-outs and without creating an even more awkward or tense situation?
GENTLE READER: You are expecting her to apologize, aren't you?
Oh, yes you are. There could be no other resolution to your complaint that would satisfy you, and she is not going to do it.
Miss Manners urges you to let it go, perhaps re-evaluating your friendship with someone who is not only rude in criticizing you, but who condemns the very notion of behaving well toward others. Should her son follow her advice, consulting only his own feelings and not troubling to assuage any pain he might cause others, let us hope that he does not get into serious trouble. Judges and juries put a heavy weight on the show of remorse when they determine sentences.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am in a bind over an invitation to the wedding of two friends of mine. I met the bride and groom at the same party, therefore I know both of them equally and for the same amount of time. When I go to the wedding and am asked on which side I would like to sit, what side should I choose?
GENTLE READER: The side with fewer people on it. It's a wedding, not a soccer game with fans rooting for opposing sides. Miss Manners assures you that the custom of separating the guests is only loosely observed. It is within each side that strict separations are needed for those still smarting from divorces.