DEAR MISS MANNERS: I recently got involved in a difficult situation regarding my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. E-mails were written by both of us that were rude and insulting; mine more so than hers. This girl's boyfriend then e-mailed others involved and it has, of course, become entirely a mess.
I know that I cannot take back the things I said nor would I want to. I do not feel remorse over my negative opinions of her behavior. Apologizing for my behavior and my words would be false on my part and I believe would not produce any positive results.
However, this couple is now telling mutual friends that if I am going to be at social functions they will not be there and doing so in a manner that suggests the hosts should "take sides" and tell me I am not invited. This is putting hosts in very difficult positions and my boyfriend as well, since these people involved are his friends and have been for many years but they don't want me invited to their gatherings. I have no idea how to get out of this situation and would appreciate any suggestions you could give.
GENTLE READER: No, you probably won't appreciate them. You have already rejected the entire etiquette arsenal of defense mechanisms for getting out of trouble that you have gotten yourself into.
These are: showing (if not feeling) remorse, claiming that what was insulting was not really what you meant and apologizing. Oh, and flowers, but Miss Manners somehow doubts that these are what you have in mind.
By your own admission, you were rude and insulting. Although the other party doesn't sound charming either, you admit you were worse. Having offended them, you should not be surprised that they were offended. And apparently others agree.
Miss Manners is sorry, but she is fresh out of ideas about how to be rude and get away with it. Claiming identity theft?