A waxy situation. If a burning candle drips melted wax all over your tabletop or your sofa, don't stress. Let it cool completely and chip off the excess wax with the edge of a credit card. Place a paper towel on top of the waxy mess and place a warm iron on top of the towel; it'll melt the wax, and the towel will absorb it. Repeat until the mess is totally gone.
Java scrub: The next time you brew a cup of fresh, shade-grown, organic coffee right at home, don't toss the used coffee grinds into the trash. First, spoon some warm grinds into your hands and mix it with your favorite hand soap. Now scrub away. The grinds will exfoliate dead skin off your hands and the soap will keep everything squeaky clean. Scatter the remaining grinds around your evergreen shrubs and trees; it's an energizing fertilizer for them!