Fuzzy sweaters? Resurrect them in a jiffy by rubbing a pumice stone lightly over the surface. It'll pick up all the "fuzzies" and make it look as good as new.
A waxy situation. If a burning candle drips melted wax all over your tabletop or your sofa, don't stress. Let it cool completely and chip off the excess wax with the edge of a credit card. Place a paper towel on top of the waxy mess and place a warm iron on top of the towel; it'll melt the wax, and the towel will absorb it. Repeat until the mess is totally gone.
Because we're turning into a more digital society, leaving messages for your family at home should be digital as well. Instead of jotting down notes on paper, send a text message or an e-mail to the recipient. This way, you'll cut down on paper use and also be more assured that they'll get the message directly, too.