DEAR ABBY: Twenty years ago, I developed psychosis with a personality change. I did things I'm ashamed of. I had an affair, remarried and moved out of the country, leaving my 13-year-old daughter with my ex-husband. I snapped out of it 15 years ago with the help of a good psychiatrist and excellent medication. I deeply regret my behavior, and I have made every effort to change things. However, my relationship with my daughter has never recovered in spite of my apologies, sorrow and deep shame.
Fast-forward: My daughter got married recently and invited her father but not me. I was devastated. I have been trying so hard for so many years to reestablish trust and show her I love her. I know I can't force her to forgive me, but banning me from her wedding brings me to tears every time I think of it.
I have a therapist and I'm working hard to recover from my bout of insanity all those years ago. I love my daughter very much. Can you think of anything I can do to heal our relationship, or must I just bump along unless and until she forgives me? -- IN A STATE IN WASHINGTON
DEAR IN A STATE: I know neither you nor your daughter other than what you have described to me. Continue talking with your therapist for guidance. This individual is most familiar with your history and how hard you have tried to repair the damage you caused. Your therapist is the most qualified to help you traverse the "bumpy" path ahead.