DEAR ABBY: I have been in love with a married man for more than 16 years. It started before he married, but I was married at the time, so he married her. He always told me he wouldn't leave his wife, but I hoped he would.
Three weeks ago, I told him I could no longer go on this way and to have a great life. Two weeks later, he emailed me asking if he was still in my heart and said he was having doubts about his marriage. We live 400 miles apart, but I drove to see him last weekend.
He told me he loved me, which he's never admitted before, and said he isn't sure what he's going to do. Now I don't know what to do, either, or how to act. Do I keep moving on to find someone else in case he doesn't pick me, or contact him so he doesn't lose sight of me? -- HURTING HEART IN VIRGINIA
DEAR HURTING HEART: This person told you he would never leave his wife, and for 16 years he has stuck to his word. He told you he loves you because you drew the line. This is his attempt to reel you back into a relationship that is headed nowhere. Please, for your own sake, keep moving and do not contact him again.