DEAR ABBY: I was blessed to work for President John F. Kennedy at the White House. I'm committed to honoring his memory on the 60th anniversary of his death on Nov. 22, 1963, in gratitude for the life of such an inspiring leader who promoted world peace.
On Nov. 22, 2023, we are asking people in America and throughout the world to take the initiative and make a promise to do a good deed, as a group or an individual, and to make a positive difference, spreading love, hope and peace by:
-- Supporting the poor.
-- Caring for the sick.
-- Feeding the homeless.
-- Assisting the disabled.
-- Protecting refugees.
-- Planting a tree (to help curb climate change).
-- Improving the general welfare of children.
-- Promoting the common good.
-- Praying for peace.
Thank you, Abby, for spreading this message. -- CARMELLA LaSPADA, FOUNDER, NO GREATER LOVE INC.
DEAR CARMELLA: Thank you for helping me make my readers aware of such a positive endeavor. Readers, a generous act is like a pebble in a pond. Its ripples spread endlessly outward.