DEAR ABBY: I recently met a man, and I have fallen in love with him. He says he feels the same way and tells me often that I treat him better than anybody ever has.
Unfortunately, when the time came to move our relationship to an intimate level, I found my attraction to him was one-sided. When I asked him why, he said he did not find me desirable because of my weight. He also mentioned that in the past he had always dated "Barbie dolls" who did him wrong, so he decided to look for something different, and that's when he found me.
I don't understand how you can love someone and not desire them. What are your thoughts? -- ONE-SIDED IN TEXAS
DEAR ONE-SIDED: This man may love your many attributes -- intelligence, honesty, sense of humor, etc. -- but he is not IN love. If you want a romantic relationship, you need to find someone who values you for yourself -- inside and out. Give him marks for honesty and send him back to his Barbie dolls because you deserve better, and he deserves more of the same.