DEAR ABBY: My mother has become very "spiritual" over the last eight years or so. Recently, it has become all-consuming and on the verge of becoming detrimental. She often refers to her "guides" (she says they are feelings, but I think she's getting brainwashed by human "guides" online), who have convinced her to withdraw thousands of dollars from her bank before the second wave of COVID-19 hits.
I recently became engaged. We don't plan to be married until 2022 so our guests can have a fun, safe time at our wedding. Mom wants to take a "mediumship certification" class, which will run for 18 months. The actual certification is scheduled for the month we told her we may want to get married, so now she's trying to guilt me into changing the date. She copied me on the email she sent to the teacher in which she said she would try to "direct me to choose a different date." I let her know she's not going to dictate our wedding day, but is there something more here that needs to be addressed? -- CERTIFIABLY ANNOYED
DEAR ANNOYED: I don't think so. Your mother's spiritual life is her personal business, and it would be a mistake to attempt to make it yours. Unless you are convinced her spirit guides cheated her out of the money she withdrew -- in which case you should contact the authorities and report it -- let her live her life as you are pursuing your own.