DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly a year. He has several female friends I have met and like very much. However, one of them texts him every day, even while we are together. She also sends Facebook messages and sometimes calls him at work. Sometimes she "drops in" at his home.
Abby, this woman is married with a family of her own, but she seems to be obsessed with my boyfriend. I have expressed my concern about her behavior and told my boyfriend that while I trust him completely, I feel she is overly emotionally attached to him, and what she's doing is disrespectful to our relationship as well as the one she has with her husband and family. He just continues to repeat that there is nothing going on. How can I make him understand that they can still be friends, but he needs to set some boundaries? -- FED UP IN NEW YORK
DEAR FED UP: Your boyfriend is allowed to be friends with anyone he wishes. However, because you think the attention he's receiving from this woman infringes on your time with him, you should say that to him. If you do, perhaps he may tell her to tone it down.