DEAR ABBY: My husband, "Ralph," and I have been married for 30 years. He recently started receiving sexually oriented texts from a male co-worker I'll call Mike. What Ralph once read aloud to me saying, "He's such a goof. Listen to this!" has now become covert reading for him.
Ralph and I have no secrets. Our phones are accessible to each other, so sometimes if his phone is lying around, I'll see things such as "Sitting on the deck with just a towel on the bits and pieces. Nice breeze!" with heart eye emojis. They are later deleted.
I have asked Ralph point-blank if he has feelings for Mike, which he denies. But he won't ask him to stop, either. Ralph knows this worries me and has me questioning our relationship. I'm tempted to contact Mike myself, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to proceed. Thoughts? -- BAFFLED IN ST. LOUIS
DEAR BAFFLED: Your husband may not have feelings for this co-worker, but his co-worker appears to have some for him. Either way, Mike's behavior is unusual. While I don't think you should contact him, this is something you should revisit with your husband because you find it threatening.