DEAR ABBY: My wife and I met four years ago, have been married for two and I still haven't met her mother. My mother-in-law, a homophobic, self-proclaimed "evangelist prophet," refuses to acknowledge our union.
Her behavior upsets my wife, which angers me to the point that I have no desire to ever cross paths with her. My wife sometimes cries about this wedge in their relationship, which only makes me resent my mother-in-law more. Is there something I should do or say to either of them that might possibly help all of us deal with this turmoil a little better? -- FRUSTRATED LESBIAN-IN-LAW
DEAR FRUSTRATED: If the wedge in your wife's relationship with her evangelist prophet mother is that she is a lesbian and married, there is nothing you can do. Your mother-in-law will either, with time, come to accept it (don't hold your breath), or your wife will learn through counseling that it is not her responsibility to sacrifice her happiness to please her mother. I hope you will encourage your wife to do that.