DEAR ABBY: My in-laws live in an apartment above our garage. It wasn't my idea. It was a compromise with my husband.
They now want to move Grandma into a trailer in our backyard! I am totally against it, and have voiced my opinion loudly.
My husband is stressed out and isn't capable of saying no to his parents. I have a feeling they are going to move forward with this plan regardless of my objections. I feel completely disrespected in my own home. Any advice? -- DISRESPECTED IN OHIO
DEAR DISRESPECTED: You have a right to be respected in your home. If you don't want it turned into a "family compound," that's your prerogative. Put your foot down and tell your husband that his parents living there was all the compromise you are willing to make. If he can't summon the strength to tell his parents "NO!" then you will have to do it for him. If that doesn't put a stop to it, ask a respected friend or religious adviser to mediate.