DEAR ABBY: My fiance and I have been engaged for two years. Our wedding is set for a year from now. I'm thinking about calling off our wedding, not because I don't love him, or because I don't want to spend the rest of my life with him. I know I want that. It's because I'm the only one with a decent job. He has a job, but doesn't earn enough to support us.
I can't be the only one earning an income. How are we supposed to move out of our parents' houses and start a life together if I'm the one doing everything? What will happen when things need to start getting paid for, and there's no guarantee he'll find something? I have talked to him about it, and he's angry. He knows it's time to change his life around and get serious.
Should I keep the date and keep my fingers crossed he'll find a job by then, or postpone our wedding, which has a venue but nothing else planned? I don't need to get married anytime soon, and I'd prefer to wait until he can support himself and we are in a better place financially. Then I feel like we could move forward. Am I making the right decision? -- CAUTIOUS IN NEW JERSEY
DEAR CAUTIOUS: Yes, you are. You are thinking with your head instead of being swept away by your emotions, and I applaud you for it. I have said for many years that before a woman marries she should be able to support herself, in case future circumstances require it. Well, the same is true for a man.